Concerning World and Marine Industry

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A week ago on the 23–25th of May in Moscow Gostiny Dvor regular international forum “Marine Industry of Russia – 2012” being the third in succession was held. I visited the first such event in 2010, missed forum in 2011 and spent the first two days in the exhibit this year. We agreed with PR Department of holders about that they provided for us with their materials about performed works for publication, but in a week when I have not received a response from that party, I have state my impressions about observed, until they become irrelevant.

Certainly, frequency and location for forum holding and list of its holders and sponsors give grounds to wait for exclusive nature of the event. However in my opinion these expectations are not justified.
According to expectations during the first day significant part of shipbuilding establishments was gathered. There were deputy ministers of industry, trade and transport and executive secretary of Marine Board under the Government of the Russian Federation, Balyberdin A. L., and heads of a number of industrial enterprises and representatives of branch science. Though the following people have visited the exhibit but not at opening: the President of United Shipbuilding Corporation Trotsenko R. V. and the Director of Shipbuilding Department of Ministry of Industry and Trade Strugov L. V.
In one word there are many people. But the main charge has been taken by Lev Mikhailovich Klyachko, the Director General of Central Scientific Research Institute “Kurs” and not for the first time. He was everywhere: held opening ceremony, plenary session, organized round tables. So it goes, the person, who organizes the exhibit, is responsible for it.

The forum has been started from traditional speeches about wondrous successes of Russian shipbuilders forthcoming in the nearest future, many drilling units, which will be produced oil and gas from shelf, fleet gas carriers and tankers used for export of these resources into civilized countries. But nothing has been told about, that successes, which were promised two years ago, have not been obtained, Far East super yards, which shall start their operation since this year, have not been constructed, the second pair of gas carriers for Sovkomflot ordered by United Shipbuilding Corporation will be constructed by Koreans, and not by Russian shipbuilders having passed comprehensive studying and training. But how promising the Deputy Director General of JSC “Far Eastern Shipbuilding and Shiprepairing Center” Filchenko Yu. A. told us about this in interview. But in 2010 he might tell about it in future.

There is no need to retell everything that I have heard. Everybody, who visited the exhibits in recent years, heard such reports more than once. Words of the Deputy Ministry of Transport Olersky V. A., which paid attention first of all to the fact, that the shipbuilders has many problems and there were no projects and terms were uncompetitive and prices were food for thought, seemed for me to be some discordance. But, may be during such events it is necessary not to tell about, how everything will be alright (but in future), and pay much attention to problems and find ways for their overcoming.
I have been impressed by complete absence of stands of shipping companies, except for Rosmorport. But it had to present there by convention, the role of forum holder obliged. Maybe absence of sailors in the forum has been caused by doubt in native industry.

I don’t want; the readers have impressions that my task is to state negative views about this event. Certainly, there were positive moments. I thought, that in comparison with the first “World” there were much more foreigners: Germans, Croatians, and number of joint ventures. It was good idea to organize regional stands, because significant part of Russian regions is located near water. Some of them are located near sea, some – near rivers and lakes. Unfortunately, these properly modeled stands didn’t contain real information, needs of citizens and governments of regions in marine and river transport, working fleet and all accessories.
I think that in future this trend will be worked out better. Because, if needs will be stated, then supply occurrence will be unavoidable. May be, particular this will be marine industry of Russia, due to which drill sites, gas carrier and other promised improvements will occur.

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