Аккумуляторные батареи AGM

AGM Power Part # 40290060 40290061 40290031 40290062 40290063 40290064
Nominal capacity (C10) 55 Ah 80 Ah 100 Ah 145 Ah 200 Ah 260 Ah
Nominal voltage 12.0 V-DC 12.0 V-DC 12.0 V-DC 12.0 V-DC 12.0 V-DC 12.0 V-DC
Type Deep cycle Absorbed Glass Mat battery with 10 years floating design life, specially designed for frequent cyclic discharge usage. By using strong grid and specific paste plate, gives the battery 30% more cyclic life. Applicable for marine, mobile and PV energy systems and as an engine starter battery.
Weight +/- 10% 18.0 Kg 24.0 Kg 30.0 Kg 44.0 Kg 60.0 Kg 74.0 Kg
Dimensions l*W*h [mm] (excl. terminals) 229-138*210 350*167*180 328*172*222 340*173*280 522*240*219 520*268*220
Terminal type M8 stainless steel
Number of cells 6 6 6 6 6 6
Charge/discharge parameter
Constant voltage Charging (III, float)
Cyclic Charging (IUU, absorption)   
13.60 to 13.80 V-DC @ 25C 
14.25 to 14.60 V-DC @ 25 C
Recommended charging current limit (higher possible) 16.5 A 24.0 A 30.0 A 44.0 A 60.0 A 78.0 A
Temperature ratio 4mv/cell/°C
Discharge cut off voltage 100% depth of discharge d.o.d.    1.75 V @ (A) <= 0.2 C 
1.70 V @ 0.2 C (A) <= 1.0 C 
1.65V @ (A) >= 1.0 C
Rated Capacity @ 25°C rate to 1.75 V per cell rate to 1.75 V per cell rate to 1.75 V per cell rate to 1.80 V per cell rate to 1.80 V per cell rate to 1.80 V per cell
20 hrs discharge 58.6 Ah 85.3 Ah 104.0 Ah 167.0 Ah 226.0 Ah 278.0 Ah
10 hrs discharge 55.0 Ah 80.0 Ah 100.0 Ah 145.0 Ah 200.0 Ah 260.0 Ah
5 hrs discharge 44.5 Ah 65.0 Ah 89.0 Ah 131.0 Ah 180.0 Ah 220.0 Ah
Peukert Coefficient 1.21<P<1.24 1.21<P<1.24 1.21<P<1.24 1.21<P<1.24 1.21<P<1.24 1.21<P<1.24
Time reserve minutes 
25 amps discharge                       
92 minutes 146 minutes 190 minutes 305 minutes 455 minutes 630 minutes
Self discharge less than 3% per month @25°C
Storage time AGM-power batteries can be stored for maximum 
6 months at 25°C, Charging recommended before using.   
Battery parameters
Cranking amps @ 25°C (5 sec) 550 A 800 A 1000 A 1450 A 2000 A 2600 A
Cycle life at 80% of D.o.D 400 400 400 400 400 400
Internal resistance Approx. 6.0 MΩ 5.5 MΩ 5.0 MΩ 4.5 MΩ 4.0 MΩ 3.5 MΩ



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