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Dear Sirs, For sale Exclusively from owners : Support / Oil recovery vessel,in Baltic, draft 3,3 m (under our management, photo attached). Fitted with special Pollution Control, Fire Fighting and Rescue Equipment (photo attached). LOA/ BOA 76 / 12 m, DW 1219 mts Totally upgraded in 2011/2012, DNV class renewed in 2013, Flag - Panama. The owners are more keen at the mom and ready to offer seriously reduced price. Pse advise if of interest and you need more info - shipsale@infonet.ee ======================================= WE OFFER ALSO EXCLUSIVELY FROM OWNERS : - General cargo / cont. carrier DW 4560 (blt 1997), 382 TEU, geared, boxshaped, 234.000 cbft; - NEW Cutter Suction Dredgers (built in Estonia); - reefer vessel / pallet carrier DW 1150 mts; - CHEAP berths in Estonia for vessels' layup; - Arrangement of any types of repair in Baltic for special prices on the basis of our bulk contracts with shipyards. ===== WANTED FOR OUR EXCLUSIVE BUYERS : - small container / MPP carrier 100 - 150 TEU with good ice class, max age18 years; - heavy lift general cargo vessels DW 7000 - 13000 mts, age 20 years max; (min A1/E3 ), cranes min SWL 80 mts , built after 1991; - bunkering tankers DW 800-3000 mts, double /double with max. draft 4,0m; - tug for port operations, 2700 - 4500 BHP, Good Ice class : min E4 (GL), UL (RMRS); - RO-RO (cargo) 2.500-5.000 DWT (maximum DW for draft 4,5 m), max age 30 years, friendly for trailers and pallets, budget USD 6,0 mil; - Big FSRU LNG unit for 1-2 years for T/C or purchase; - VLGC LPG, approx 50'000 mt DWT, the younger the better, 3 units. --Tks /BRGDS Yours faithfully, Capt. Alexander Svet /MD Tallinn, Estonia E-mail: shipsale@infonet.ee Skype : shipsale Mob : + 372 5 3445261 WE'LL BE GLAD TO MEET YOUR OFFERS / REQUIREMENTS AND READY TO TAKE YOU ANY FRIENDLY ASSISTANCE IN OUR REGION. | ||||||||||||
03.10.2013 20:28 |
Дата | Тема | Контакт | Город Страна |
22:08 | [TUG619] Речной буксир-толкач типа РТ 300 л.с. с классом *О2,0 на продажу | "АЛЬФА Транс", ООО | Таганрог Россия |
10:33 | КОНТЕЙНЕРОВОЗ (3.750 TEU / 840 RP) КОРЕЙСКОЙ ПОСТРОЙКИ 2007 ГОДА НА ПРОДАЖУ | Khrisandov Igor | Новороссийск Россия |
18:28 | [CRN169] Плавкран 16 т, пр. 81050 на продажу | "АЛЬФА Транс", ООО | Таганрог Россия |
17:19 | ДВА АЗИМУТАЛЬНЫХ БУКСИРА (50 + 60T BP) НА ПРОДАЖУ В МАЛАЙЗИИ | Khrisandov Igor | Новороссийск Россия |
16:46 | ТАНКЕР (8.000 КБМ) РЕКА-МОРЕ РОССИЙСКОЙ ПОСТРОЙКИ НА ПРОДАЖУ | Khrisandov Igor | Новороссийск Россия |
Дата | Тема | Контакт | Город Страна |
12:25 | От владельцев - Сухогруз ДВ 1555 т при 3,39 м, Бокс | Svet Alexander | Таллин Эстония |
08:32 | Self-propelled Split Hopper Barge DW 1500 | Svet Alexander | Таллин Эстония |
02:06 | Купим плавдок ГП 6-10000 т | Svet Alexander | Таллин Эстония |
07:47 | Купим танкер типа Ленанефть или подобный, бюджет 4,0 милл EUR | Svet Alexander | Таллин Эстония |
07:55 | Oт владельцев : универсальный сухогруз ДВ 3269, 202 TEU, 160.000 куб.фт, Бокс | Svet Alexander | Таллин Эстония |